British IPTV

Refund Policy

Refund Policy: British IPTV Subscription ensures that you are fully satisfied with your purchase. If you have technical or commercial questions, feel free to contact us. However, if you believe that the service you purchased does not perfectly meet your needs and you have attempted to resolve issues with our support team, we want to address the situation.

You have 7 days to request a refund from the date of purchase. After 7 days, no refund requests will be accepted.

If your refund request is approved, follow the steps below for a partial refund within 3 days of the purchase date. If the 3 days have passed and you still have an issue, you can contact us anytime through the WhatsApp support number or via our email address to resolve your problem

If your refund request is approved, follow the steps below for a partial refund within 3 days of the purchase date. If the 3 days have passed and you still have an issue, you can contact us anytime through the WhatsApp support number or via our email address to resolve your problem

Once you have requested a refund, you cannot subscribe to our service at any time in the future

Follow the steps below to submit your refund request :

-Use the WhatsApp support or contact email to request the refund.

-Provide your username and the same email address you used to purchase our services.

-Include your invoice number.

-Note that the refund will be partial only; we will deduct the price for the number of days used

-Credit card transaction fees cannot be refunded as they are directly paid to your bank.

-The refund will be processed using the same payment method used for the original purchase.

Thank you for choosing British IPTV Subscription as your service provider. We hope to continue serving you in the future.

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